The Most Common Heart Diseases and How They are Treated

When we talk about heart disease, there are many different conditions and problems that we’re referring to. If you want to know about the problems your heart can face and how you can look after it, you need to know the distinctions. Below you will find detailed information about twelve of the most common heart diseases and how they are treated. So, read on if you want to find out more.


1. Heart Attack

This is the one heart problem that everyone knows about and is aware of. It’s one of the most common health problems that people can face in later life if their hearts are not in good condition too. A heart attack occurs when the supply of blood in the body is halted. The blockage of the arteries can be caused by many things. And that blockage needs to be unblocked as quickly as possible. Heart attacks don’t need to be fatal. If you get medical attention, you can minimise the damage. But there is often lasting effects of a heart attack that have to be taken into consideration. Tiredness, breathlessness and chest pains are the most common symptoms.

2. Coronary Heart Disease

There are many blood vessels that supply the heart with blood, and these are very important. If these start to narrow or get blocked, it can lead to coronary heart diseases. It’s one of the most common heart diseases, and it can lead to heart attacks in the future. This risk can be minimised with the right treatment though. Often, operations are needed to create more space in the vessels for the blood to travel through. Other people have to take medication that thins the blood. What is right for you, if you need any treatment at all, will be made clear by your own doctor. Any problem with the arteries around the heart can be referred to as coronary heart disease.

3. Angina

Your heart needs to have oxygen. Oxygen is carried in the blood, so when blood flow is not as strong as it should be, there are problems. This is known as angina. The lack of blood leads to a lack of oxygen. And, as a result, you will start to feel pains in your chest. This pain is usually felt during or just after physical exertion. And it can usually be relieved by resting. Angina can be a precursor to a heart attack for many people. If you notice these problems starting to get worse, it’s vital to get medical attention. It could mean that you are getting closer to having a full heart attack.

4. High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, alo known as hypertension, is known as the silent killer. This is because you can have high blood pressure and never even realise it. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t doing damage to your body, and particularly your heart. High blood pressure refers to the excessive force of the blood that is being pumped through your blood vessels by the heart. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have it checked regularly. If you do have high blood pressure, you can reduce it by living healthier. But you can also be giving tablets that will help to lower it as well. If you don’t get it treated, it could lead to a stroke or heart attack. 

5. Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is caused by the buildup of fatty deposits on the inside walls of your arteries. This then causes the arteries to become stiff, and this restricts the flow of blood. This can happen anywhere in the body, but they all link back to the heart, meaning they can cause heart attacks. This process of fatty deposits, known as plaques, building up is something that happens over time. That’s why it can be pretty hard to detect. It’s not like you will suddenly notice something change. You might not notice any changes at all. If the problem is found, it is possible to operate on the artery and remove the plaques that are causing the problem.


6. Long QT Syndrome

Long QT Syndrome not usually comes in the list of common heart diseases. It is generally inherited from your parents. But it can also be caused by some forms of medication. The condition delays the flow of potassium ions out of the heart cells. The sodium channels can also be affected in some cases. The problem can be picked up on by an ECG machine. Most people are treated with medications if they are diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome. Some people might need to have a pacemaker fitted if their case is worse than average though. And because of the potassium deficiency it causes, you might be given potassium supplements by your doctor.

7. Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common forms of abnormal heart rhythm. The heart normally sends out impulses, but this is thrown off when someone has atrial fibrillation. These impulses are sent at different times, causing the rhythm of the heart to abnormal. There are many other heart problems that can cause this. But it can also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. And, in many cases, no underlying cause of the issue can be found by doctors. Common symptoms are a fast or noticeably arrhythmic pulse. But you might also feel a shortness of breath or persistent dizziness. 

8. Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital heart disease is when you are born with problems and malformations in the heart. These are usually caused by the genes that you inherited from your parents. Or it could be caused by a type of medicine or chemical you were exposed to when in the womb. There are many different types of congenital disease, and they all cause different side effects for patients. One of the most common types of congenital heart disease is a hole in the heart. Other conditions include abnormal heart chambers. Obviously, this kind of thing has to be treated in a way that suits the individual patient and their condition. There are so many different types that there is not one kind of treatment to mention.

9. Aneurysm

Asneurysm is one of the common heart diseases which is seen in adults, especially women. All blood vessels are connected to your heart, so it’s a problem when one of those vessels have weaknesses. Sometimes these weaknesses or bulges in the wall of the vessel are known as aneurysms. These can then rupture, which causes an even bigger problem. This can sometimes be fatal if the rupture is not treated by a medical professional quickly. These can happen in arteries all over your body, so it’s not something that only happens in or around the heart. The best way to avoid this kind of problem is to simply change your lifestyle habits. If you smoke, you should stop, and you should try to make your diet healthier.

10. Inflammatory Heart Disease

There are many different components parts in the heart, and many of them can suffer from different kinds of inflammation. The inflammation is usually caused by some kind of toxic agent or some kind of infection. One of the most common types of inflammatory heart disease is cardiomyopathy. This is a disease of the heart muscle, and it causes it to thicken. Other types of disease can be caused by inflammation, such as pericardial disease. The treatments of these conditions can depend on your existing heart condition, so it’s best to speak to your doctor. Your treatment will need to be unique to you for it to work correctly for you.

11. Brugada Syndrome

Brugada Syndrome is a heart problem that not many people who don’t experience the problem have heard about. That’s because it is not among the common heart diseases, and it is inherited genetically. Not many people will ever suffer from this syndrome, but it can be very dangerous for those who do. The abnormal rhythm it causes can be life-threatening in some cases. People of South Asian descent are most likely to suffer from it, and it more commonly affects men. Many people have this problem treated by having an ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) fitted. This cuts the risk of a heart attack occurring, and that’s a big deal for people with Brugada Syndrome.

12. Rheumatic Heart Disease

Rheumatic heart disease is caused by an attack (or multiple attacks) of rheumatic fever. This is something that usually occurs in childhood, but it can cause damage to the heart. More specifically, it causes damage to the valves in the heart. The heart muscle can also be weakened. But the main problem is when the valves are damaged and left scarred. They then can no longer open and close in the way that they should be able to. This can cause big problems in the future. Treatments can be given that minimise the risks associated with this kind of valve problem though. Treatments and medications are improving all the time, so this could become less of a problem in the future.

So these are some of the common heart diseases and ways they can be treated. If you found this post informative, take a moment to share it with people you care.

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  1. Luke Smith January 2, 2023

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