4 Dieting Myths to Debunk for Good

It’s one of the biggest industries in the world – and it doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of shrinkage.

Unfortunately, as with other large markets, misconceptions are rife when it comes to dieting. There are millions of articles, guides, books and everything in-between on the subject, so it stands to reason that countless myths also originate.

In some cases, these myths can be very damaging. Let’s not forget that quite often, there’s a serious reason behind diets – and it’s not always focused around developing that famous beach body. Diets are often turned to in a bid to wade off the likes of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems that are so common and cause so many claims for health insurance companies around the world.

While we can’t claim to get to the bottom of every myth, let’s now look at four of the biggest that you should be ignoring as a matter of urgency.

Myth #1 – You Should Never Eat After 8pm

How often have you been told not to eat after a certain time? It’s usually 8pm, right?

This is one of the most common dieting myths – and it’s one that’s been debunked time and time again.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn’t matter when you eat, as long as you’re not consuming more calories than you’re burning.

Of course, there are certain benefits to eating earlier in the day. It can help you to sleep better, for starters. But in terms of weight loss, it’s a myth with no scientific backing.

Myth #2 – All Carbs Are Bad

Carbohydrates have been getting a bad rap in recent years – but the truth is, they’re an essential part of our diet.

It’s true that complex carbs are better for us than simple carbs. But that doesn’t mean that we should be cutting them out entirely.

Complex carbs are found in whole grains and are a slow-release energy source. On the other hand, simple carbs are found in things like white bread and quickly get absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to spikes in blood sugar levels.

But both have their place in a healthy, balanced diet.


Myth #3 – You Need to Cut Out Fat to Lose Weight

Again, this is another dieting myth that’s been doing the rounds for years.

The truth is, you need fat in your diet. It’s an essential nutrient that helps to keep our bodies functioning properly.

What’s more, not all fats are bad for us. There are good fats and bad fats – and it’s the latter that we should be cutting out.

Good fats can be found in oily fish, nuts and avocados. Bad fats, on the other hand, are found in processed foods and saturated fats.

Myth #4 – Crash Diets Are the Way to Go

If you want to lose weight quickly, the best way to do it is to go on a crash diet, right?


Crash diets are never a good idea. Not only are they difficult to stick to, but they’re also not sustainable in the long term.

What’s more, crash diets can actually be dangerous. They can lead to nutritional deficiencies and put a lot of strain on your body.

If you’re looking to lose weight, the best way is to make small, sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle.

One Response

  1. Dr H Warraich July 25, 2022

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